
Or: How one tends to wait for his ship. The red leg looming cheekily into the picture belongs to my little sister. We were waiting for our ferry to Venice leaving from the box  in the upper left colored in black and yellow. If you’re lucky. I loved the place because of the brick wall […], September 11, 2012

Or: How one tends to wait for his ship. The red leg looming cheekily into the picture belongs to my little sister.

We were waiting for our ferry to Venice leaving from the box  in the upper left colored in black and yellow. If you're lucky.

I loved the place because of the brick wall that suddenly wents into nothing when you count three blocks upwards, leaving space for the water swashing invards and flooding the floor within a radius of three meters. Local pidgeons tend to ignore this and you can observe them stalking cooing and pecking around you. A bit odd :) Not to mention the waves that love to set camera and photographer under water.


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